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Let’s jump right into it!

  1. Do you provide a free estimate? Most painting companies do – ask this question first. I hate hearing stories from clients who were billed for an in-person estimate. It is not a standard practice but some of the bigger, impersonal painting companies do it.
  2. What are your credentials? This could take many forms – most painters’ credentials come from years of on the job experience this has real value.
  3. Do you have a list of references? You can speak with to verify the services and the quality of your work?
  4. Ask who will be on the crew that paints your home.You don’t want to have strangers inside your house. Some companies pick people up and meet them for the first time on the day of your job, hand them a T-shirt and bring them inside your home. This is a common, unacceptable practice of some painting companies.
  5. How do you prep your jobs?Get details…Ask what happens if something goes wrong.
  6. What sort of prep work will you do? Here at Westchester Painting, we offer repair work which includes the repair and /or replacement of rotten wood? Be sure you understand what the painting company does and does not do. You want a painting company that will repair broken wood when it is found so the job can be done right.
  7. What is the cleanup protocol? Will you the homeowner be invited for an in-person project review?
  8. Will the painting company you hire allow you to author a ‘punch-list’ once the job is done for the little touch-ups you may not catch on the walkthrough?
  9. Ask about the paint they use. Paint quality matters!
  10. Most painting jobs include other small repair or touch up repairs, ask about the quality of these materials. If wood is being used know what kind, if something like a cabinet is being repaired ask what the steps that will be taken are.
  11. Does the work come with any guarantees or warranties? Is the painting company willing to write one into the contract? 24 months is a fair place to start.
  12. Who is your point person at the painting company? Will you have one point of contact?
  13. Do I need to do anything before you arrive? Will you be asked to move your own furniture? Clear the room, it might not seem like a big deal but if you’re having your entire home patined it may be a consideration worth determining.
  14. How long is your workday?  When will you start in the morning? When will you finish?
  15. How long will the painting project take? What could cause a delay? What if we encounter a delay? How will this be handled? Do you have a hard stop…a “drop-dead-dead-line”? Be clear about this!

Have more questions? Window shoppers are always welcome! We may even add your questions to this list!

Give us a call or drop us a line!

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